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JSON Response Format

Below is an explanation of the format and tags contained in our JSON response.

	// output is wrapped in a single response.
	"response": {
		// Request status, OK or ERROR AND MESSAGE. Example: if your daily limit is reached, ERROR: Daily Limit Reached.
		// Start of general details related to the search query.
			// Full search query string.
			// Number of words in query which also relates to the number of word tags that follow.
			// Start of details on each word in the query.
				// Start of details on first word in the query.
					// Original version of word used in the search.
					// Stemmed version of word used in the search.
					// Set to 1 if word was used, 0 if minus or stop word.
					// Exact amount of documents indexed for this word.
				} // End of word.
					// Repeated for all words
			], // End of details on each word in the query.
			// Time in seconds search took to complete.
			// First result equals start + 1, ie. 1st result equals 0, 11th result equals 10.
			// Number of results returned.
			// 1 if results count is exact or 0 if about.
			// Total result count.
			// Ranking method used.
			// True if duplicate listings have been removed.
			// The number of documents that will not be returned in the results due to site clustering, restricting results by domain when performing a site search, or when filtering by categories (OrgSearch users only).
		}, // End of head.
		 // Start of cats_ref tag if popular categories to refine this search by were found.
			// category name:count
			... // Repeated for all cats_refs.
		}, // End of cats_ref.
		 // Start of cats_other tag if other categories related to this search by were found.
			// category name:count
			... // Repeated for all cats_others.
		}, // End of cats_other.
		// Start of facet_dates tag if faceted search performed (OrgSearch users only).
			// date(UTC):count
			... // Repeated for all facet_dates.
		}, // End of facet_dates.
		"results":[ // Start of results.
			{ // Start of individual result.
				// Document URL.
				// Document title.
				// Document description.
				"desc":"Search Settings Site Search Boxes Add Mojeek to your browser Go to Mojeek UK Independent and unbiased search results with no user tracking. Learn More .",
				// Document size.
				// Date last modified timestamp.
				// Date last modified formatted.
				"date":"Tue Jul 10 05:19:00 2007",
				// Date published timestamp.
				// Date crawled timestamp.
				// Date crawled formatted.
				"cdate":"Tue Jul 10 05:19:00 2007",
				// If set to 1 more results are available from this domain but have been excluded due to domain clustering.
				// Pipe-separated list of categories that the result is tagged with. Note: only appears for OrgSearch users.

				"image" :{ // Start of image tag.
					// Width in pixels.
					// Height in pixels.
				} // End of image.
				... // Repeated for all results.
		] // End of results.
	} // End of response.